Tuesday 29 May 2012

From Rama to Ravana

The same portrait processed in different ways can bring out different facet of not just the photograph but of the person and his personality itself. When you look carefully, deep into a picture...when you get into the skin of it what do you see ? You may discover shades of holiness of an angel to colors of sinfulness of a demon right there inside of a being. From Rama to Ravana...all in there ! May be a good picture not only capture the body but also the soul.

P.S : The portrait above was just used as an instance. People around him very well knows what he is..an angel or a demon :-)...

Saturday 26 May 2012

why am I so different ?

why is Monday so lost, why Tuesday is so dull, why is Wednesday engulfed in time, why is Thursday so jealous of me, why
why is Friday so colorful
... :-)

तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय

तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय
Lead me from Darkness to Light

Tuesday 22 May 2012

the other I ?

al·ter ego noun

\ˌl-tər-ˈē-(ˌ)gō also -ˈe-(ˌ)gō\


Definition of ALTER EGO

alter ego
1. Another side of oneself; a second self.
2. An intimate friend or a constant companion.

[Latin : alter, other + ego, I, self.]

Tuesday 15 May 2012

the power of U

wen U find urself lost in the middle of nowhere is actually wen U find urself...At that moment...how U act describes U, wat U do defines U, how U think differentiates U...

Friday 11 May 2012

Ticket to Hollywood !

Explorers, revolutionaries, navigators, spiritual seekers, freedom fighters and people belonging to similar genre all shared a very interesting trait. Oh yes, they all wandered. Their wandering lead to awaking, revolutions, discoveries and what not!

But our intention was just to have some fun. Not in my wildest dream I had thought that a 9 Kms journey would have been packed with so much of pleasure and experience. The characters, and the tone, color, mood and feel on each one of them around me in a packed out compartment of a local train was nothing less than watching a movie. Not to forget the struggle of getting in or out when the train stops.

I could not have asked for more. This was our ticket to Hollywood and we are going to remember and cherish this ride for a really long time.

I stand taller than my shadow

I aim beyond my target, I tread past my destination, and I shed my past behind...
Today, I stand taller than my shadow...

Monday 7 May 2012

through my visor !

This is just the first page from my Motorcycle Diary. And if somebody asks me how it has been so far...I will say : “Oh ! This world looks so amazingly different through my visor!”

Tuesday 1 May 2012

I hold your hands

I stand by you now and forever, I vow to be there for you today and all the days, I hold your hands this moment and forever...